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| || | || | || |_|/ |_|/ NATIVE INSTRUMENTS presents: 40'S VERY OWN KEYS THE OFFICIAL PRESET MANIFESTO: WRITTEN AND CURATED BY NOAH "40" SHEBIB INSTRUCTIONS FOR 40'S VERY OWN KEYS ON HOW TO PLAY MELODIES, CHORDS AND BASS ---------------- never stop, always innovate -------------------- _______________________________________________________________ || | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | || ||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ---------------- keep on breaking the rules --------------------- THE MANIFESTO PRESET NAME HOW TO PLAY 4070 Play one key in the low octave with a high octave chord 40 B40 Play an arpeggio 40 Dreams & 40 Nights Use as a bass in lower octave with right hand chords in the upper octave 40 Flute Amps Play a lead in the upper octaves 40 Lake Pad Play chords 40 Lake Pad 2 Play chords in an upper octave 40 Peta Pad Play chords or leads 40 PWO Piano Play chords 40 Seasons Sustained chords 40 Soft Keys Play one low bass note with right hand chords 40 Swell Pad Sustained chords 40's Bass Chords 2 Right hand chords left hand lead 40's Justice Triumphant chords or lead 40's Lofi Piano Play staccato 40's MG 7 Play and hold to hear hear the sustain ghost notes 40's Oh Lead 2 Chords right hand, root note left hand 40's Song Keys Chords right hand, root note left hand 40's Sub Pad Play chords in the upper octaves 40's Warp Flute Play a melody in the upper octaves 80 Echo's Bass with left hand, lead line with right Apollo Lead Play a lead line in the upper octaves’ Bass Keytar Play a lead in the lower octaves Bass Tump Use as a sub bass Bassik Use as a bass in lower octave with right hand chords in the upper octave Big Bass Play as a bass, or as a lead in the upper octaves Big Doe Organ Play chords in the upper octaves Bootsy Bass 1 Play as a bass, or as a lead in the upper octaves Bootsy Bass 2 Play as a bass, or as a lead in the upper octaves Build a Vibe Play chords in the upper octaves C Bizzle Bass Play as a bass lead Cambridge Legion Piano Piano, but stay away from bass notes Can't Even Remember Single note atmospheres Cassie's Keys Play as a piano Champagne Puddle Sustained chords Church & Flat Play sevens up high and a root bass down low Circle Talk Good for lead line complimenting notes Clouded Bass melodies Colour Keys Stacatto chords Copycat Chords and bass Crypto Highway Chords and bass and leads Darkest Turn Bass or right hand chords Deebo Pad Bass left, arp right Depths Organ Chords in upper octaves Digital Key Strokes Right hand arp Dist Lead Upper octaves keytar style Dist Space Sad 7 chords Dry Ice Keys Play as a piano Dubs Synth Right hand chords, left hand root note Dusty's Shine Right hand arp, left hand root note E Mans Bass Play as a bass lead E's Lead Play as an upper octave lead line Echo Lead Stacatto chords Endless Spaced out long sustained chords Far Gone 80's Play as a lead synth Flash Bass Play as a bass Fluttering Money Play as a bass or as a lead Ford Keys Stacatto right hand with sustained left root notes Fried Click Play as a percussive melody or a sustained chord Fuzzy Chilly Chords anywhere G's Alleyway Play as lead or chords Ghostly Play as a lead synth Golden Question Sustained pads Grand Synth Bass Lead bass Hi Bass Lead Play as bass lead or high lead Holly's Pad Chords Hopes Keys Play as a piano Howard Church Synths Low octave chords HP Piano Play as a piano Illson Pad Play as long sustained chords Infinity Drone Play as long sustained chords Jadestone Q Pads High chords with a low root Jelle's Keys Of Life Play as a piano Just Skip It Play as a percussive melody Keep 6 Bass Play as a bass Kwest Metal Pad Sustained chords Les Dreams Low root with high melody Levy Zeppelin Play an arp LG Bass Play as a bass Lost Worlds Great for chords Medicine Play as an electric piano Moon Lead High chords or a high arp Moving Backwards Chords with a low root note Muted Hypnosis Play a melody into a chord My Pads Burning Play as a drone Nanadrum Play as a percussive arp Nandos Desert Pad Play as a drone Need Some Glasses Play as a sustained pad New Horizon Play as a sustained pad New Piano Play as a stacatto piano Not Guilty Hammer Play as an arp Open Doors Play as a lead into a chord P's Studio Play sustained chords at a fast tempo Peach Bass Play a low bass melody Perth Block Organ Play some epic chords Pianos On The Lake Play like a piano PK Flame Bass Play as almost a sub bass PK Synth Play as a lead Plat Bass Play as a bass Play A Painful Melody Self explanatory patch Play Me Low Self explanatory patch Po Low Kick Play bass melodies Poise Pad Sustained chords Q Bass Play as a bass Raining Keys Play as a piano Rainstorm High sustained chords Rezin Bass Play as a bass Rezins Plate Play a high arp into a chord River Pads Right hand chords left hand bass River Skeletons Pad big sustain pad Ronces Keys Play as a piano Sand Man Perc Play as percussion Saturday Night RB Big sustained chords Scary Sirens Play as an arp Set In Stone Upper octave chords with low root note Sim Simmer Organ Play as an organ Sister Seq 7 chords sustained Sky Highway Seq Play as an electric piano Somewhere Else Chords or lead Space Keys Play as an electric piano Space Merz Sad sustained chords Space Pad Low chords with a right hand lead Statics Keys Play as a happy piano Story Teller Low lead Stro Synth Play as a lead into a chord Styx Bling Play a high arp into a chord Styx River Bleep play an arp Submarine Bass Play a sub bass Sun Lead Good for leads or low chords Synth Keys Low chords with a right hand lead Taps Play dreamy pads Taps 2 Play ominous chords The Kicker Bass Good for 4 on the floor with melody The Lead The go to lead synth This Organ Hittin FR The perfect organ Treehouse Pad Chords with a high melody Villas In The City Play a high arp Wabash Keys Chords only Wavering Synth Good for leads or low chords Western Door Good for low chords With Friends Play an arp in time with the delay Yashars Piano Play as a piano You’re Welcome The best lead ever Ziggys Bricks Play stabbing staccato chords ---------------- never stop, always innovate -------------------- _______________________________________________________________ || | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | ||| | ||| | | || ||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|||_|_|||_|_|_|| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| ---------------- keep on breaking the rules --------------------- SUPPORTED BY @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@ @ @@ @@@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@ @@ @ @@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@ @ @@ @@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@ @@ @& %@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@@ @ @@ @@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@@ @@ @ 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