
Sample Randomiser

(31 Votes)
Paul Nadin
1.0 (Updated 14 years ago)
January 23, 2010
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sampler


This sample player is an attempt to reproduce a sound technique used by ambient producer Tim Hecker on his album 'An Imaginary Country'. (see the track 'Boarderlands')

I have used a number of randomly synced event tables to control different elements of a Resynth.

I'm still pretty new at this, so forgive the basic nature of the ensemble, but I get the desired effect.

Any feedback as to how I could improve the ensemble would be most welcome.


Stefano Are
4 years ago
Shane Bergin
8 years ago
I'm having the same problem as Douglas Grimm. Any help would be appreciated.
Douglas Grimm
10 years ago
Forgot to mention that, if it makes any difference, I am using Reaktor 5.9.
Douglas Grimm
10 years ago
Forgive my ignorance, but can someone give me a couple of hints as to how to get the ensemble to work? I'm getting no sound out of it, even after I dropped an audio file into the "Select File" box, which successfully loads. Then, press play and . . . nothing. The white bars are sweeping across the sample waveforms, but I get no sound outputted. Other ensembles work just fine and produce sound, so I don't think it is my Reaktor routing. Tried it in standalone and as a VST, and just can't get it to work. Would appreciate any assistance - am sure I am missing something extremely simple. Thanks in advance.
year zero
13 years ago
very cool indeed. thanks
andrew dalio
14 years ago
My daughter and I are both using this ensemble. And we both love it. Thanks!
14 years ago
wow, this ensemble is very cool so far! i´m always interested in hecker-ish mageling tools. maybe you could consider randomization-options like in peter dines "Very Simple Grainer 02" (i mean these horizontal faders below the speed and grain size knobs, they make the sound more organic somehow). i´m really excited how this tool will evolve. thank you for your work, i will use this ens for sure.
Paul Nadin
14 years ago
Hi Oliver Thanks very much for the feedback. I have actually already made a delay and a beat machine using the same technique which I will post soon. Let me know what you think. Thanks again. Paul
Oliver Saherwala
14 years ago
Hi Paul, thx for this upload. I think this ensemble is a good startingpoint for somone, who is beginning with sampling in Reaktor. It has clear design, is easy to use and one can change it in something like a simple sequencer driven sample player for example. I use this ensemble to create backround textures to my tracks. Very useful. Maybe you can add a Delay. The delay time could be modulated like the other parameters. Thx
noel lairson
14 years ago