Crossover Filter

Band Splitter

(9 Votes)
1.1 (Updated 9 years ago)
July 30, 2014
Reaktor 5 or lower


The Crossover Filter is a basic tool for splitting an audio signal into two bands. The bands can be processed separately and then added back together.

The filters are simple, and were made using the Audio EQ Cookbook:

A tutorial video showing how to use this filter is available here:

Version History:

Version 1.1 - Fixed a bug when cutoff frequency is set to higher than sampling rate/4

Written in Reaktor 5.9
by salamanderanagram


9 years ago
Hi Sandy, thanks for the note. I knew that of course, but I should have added a simple check to make sure the filter never increases above this frequency. I'll add the change as soon as I get back to my work computer - thanks again.
Sandy Small
9 years ago
Just a note, the center frequency must be kept slightly below 1/2 the sample rate. Otherwise a NAN error and/or truly horrific feedback will result.