Sequencing Tutorial Instrument

A synth - sampler - sequencer for teaching and learning

(52 Votes)
1.3 (Updated 17 years ago)
August 12, 2006
Reaktor 5 or lower
Instrument Sequencer


update: added missing mouse-over hints for sequencer and synth controls - thanks Phil. :-)

This is an instrument I built as the hands-on component of a Reaktor tutorial for Virtual Instruments magazine.

It's designed to help beginning Reaktor users - who already know how to create simple synths, for example - get a leg up into intermediate territory, where things start to get interesting.

The layout is clear and simple, and anyone with a basic knowledge of Reaktor should have no problem finding his or her way around.

The tutorial will be in the next issue of Virtual Instruments and should be on the newsstands towards the end of the month (August 2006).


Norman Maldonado
8 years ago
any pdf file? im having a problem understanding where to begging. Thanks!
alex alarcon guillen
15 years ago
Thanks Peter!!! very useful! best
Derek Jeter
16 years ago
Fantastic tutorial - I'm a Reaktor n00b and its been slow going for me to learn the finer points of building. Thanks again!
James McIntosh
17 years ago
it's a really nice article. i just picked the mag up today because of it. when i couldn't find the ens on the mag's website, I googled and found it here. great! thanks for the clear description of the process. looking forward to diving into this.
David Jameson
17 years ago
Well, I don't know about this synth but I had never heard of Virtual Instruments Mag before - just subscribed --- glad to find out about it!
Phil Durrant
17 years ago
"I realize that the instrument doesn't work well in a host but I wanted to demonstrate the use of the counter module. It really isn't meant to run in a host. Also, I wanted to explain every last module in the sequencer macro, and I couldn't stand using the song position pointer without the zero-restart fix - which would have been a bit too much information for the technical level of the audience I'm aiming at." good point peter! i agree adding a SonnPos with resit does add a whole can of worms to a tutorial. and yes, demonstrating the use of the counter module is a good idea and will be very useful. thanks for doing this.
mike stacey
17 years ago
peter, i ran down to the book store today but i guess it hasn't hit the stands yet. i'll keep an eye out for it. is there a place you can buy an issue online? the web site will only let you subscribe. but in the end it all might end up being the same price for one issue vs. subscribing. donovan, i was joking about that "in vain" stuff, i'll try and not do that anymore. right now the download is 22 pages. i just finished writing the body to the rest of it at 34 pages (maybe more). i'll edit it over the next week and have it up by next sunday.
Peter Dines
17 years ago
Donovan, the magazine article dissects the instrument - particularly the sequencer and sampler structures - piece by piece and explains what's happening and why. If you think that would help you over a hurdle or two, have a look when it hits the stands.
Donovan Stringer
17 years ago
Did I miss something, or is the magazine required for the actual tutorial part? @Mike, hey man, definately don't stop your own stuff. I ran across it but had no time to dig into it, and I'm grateful you uploaded it. Is the 30 page tutorial you mentioned included in your upload? Learning the sequencing stuff has been my biggest hurdle using Reaktor(that and scaling), so it's a big help for me that you guys have shared these works. Thanks very much, and pease continue! If you elected to accept paypal donations for your efforts I'm sure a few people would gladly compensate you both. cheers, D
Peter Dines
17 years ago
Hi Phil, thanks for the heads up about info on the controls. I realize that the instrument doesn't work well in a host but I wanted to demonstrate the use of the counter module. It really isn't meant to run in a host. Also, I wanted to explain every last module in the sequencer macro, and I couldn't stand using the song position pointer without the zero-restart fix - which would have been a bit too much information for the technical level of the audience I'm aiming at. I think I'll upload a host-friendly version soon though, with some other fun tweaks that exceeded the scope of the tutorial.
Phil Durrant
17 years ago
hi Peter, it is a nice sequencer but it only works well in Reaktor standalone. as you have not used the Song Pos module, it does not reset to the start of the sequence when used as a plug-in (such as Cubase or Live). also there are a few of infos missing on some of the controls. nice snaps.
mike stacey
17 years ago
sorry to have said that, i meant it kinda as a joke. i have a bad sence of humor. I do think its a good idea to have this stuff going on, i'm doing my work because it has been so hard for me to learn reaktor that writing a tutorial is close to that only way i could really "get" it. and at the same time i get to give back to the crew here. also my tutorial is running at 30 pages with 100 pics so far, so i'll most likely cover more ground. i'll be able to check out the mag tomarrow, and from the quality of the patch you made it should be really good. the random in the pitch of the sampler is a bad ass idea that i would have never thought of and it sound so good. that alone is killer.
Peter Dines
17 years ago
Mike, I don't think anyone's efforts in this area are in vain even if they do overlap a bit. It looks like people are stepping up to fill the gaps in Reaktor's learning curve and that can only be a good thing. I don't write for the mag regularly - this is the only article so far - but please do have a look and let me know what you think.
mike stacey
17 years ago
what a small world. i'm working on a tutorial right now for the event table. i posted it in the ul last month and i have a big update that should be done in two weeks. makes me wonder if my work was in vain. looks like both ideas run the same ground. do you write for the mag? i'd love to look at it when the issue hits the stands. anyways, nice work.