What the pros say about SESSION STRINGS

"What I like about Session Strings is the basic string tone. You won't need to do any serious eq, the level of vibrato is also just right for modern pop production. And the glissando patches are fun - pure Studio 54 disco. Session Strings works particularly well where you need string flavours to enhance a pop, rock or dance arrangement."
Guy Sigsworth, composer, producer, songwriter (Seal, Madonna, Britney Spears, Alanis Morissette) MySpace
Guy Sigsworth, composer, producer, songwriter (Seal, Madonna, Britney Spears, Alanis Morissette) MySpace

"I love the feel of the notes and the strings are actual sonically. And used in the Kontakt Player makes it so easy to use!"
Osunlade musician / composer / producer (Yoruba Records) MySpace
Osunlade musician / composer / producer (Yoruba Records) MySpace

"The first thing you notice about Session Strings is that it sounds amazing. The level of detail is spectacular, especially with the gorgeous swoops and falls.
But the bomb is the Animator, a really special tool for composing and performing - great idea!"
Tensnake (Mirau, Running Back, Permanent Vacation) MySpace
Tensnake (Mirau, Running Back, Permanent Vacation) MySpace

"Session Strings opened up a whole new way of being a "Fiddler". I had to totally rethink my approach. All the staccato and Mtown strings are all beautiful!
I love the Session Strings because they sound soooo real."
Amp Fiddler, artist and producer (George Clinton, Prince, Moodymann, Jamiroquai)MySpace
I love the Session Strings because they sound soooo real."
Amp Fiddler, artist and producer (George Clinton, Prince, Moodymann, Jamiroquai)MySpace

"We installed the software yesterday and it went straight into the first track we had up.
Sounds cool and frighteningly real."
Thomas Bullock (Rub N' Tug, Welcome Stranger) MySpace
Sounds cool and frighteningly real."
Thomas Bullock (Rub N' Tug, Welcome Stranger) MySpace

"Focused and detailed, so good to really hear the string on the bow. Really a string library with a difference.
Fits into even complex mixes with clarity and rhythmic precision - already indispensible!"
Marius de Vries, producer (U2, Rufus Wainwright, Björk, Pet Shop Boys, Tina Turner)
Fits into even complex mixes with clarity and rhythmic precision - already indispensible!"
Marius de Vries, producer (U2, Rufus Wainwright, Björk, Pet Shop Boys, Tina Turner)

"When I loaded up Session Strings for the first time, I started using them immediately. There is an impressive clarity to the approach, and the interface design allows for fast and efficient workflow. For film scoring, as well as many other production situations, this is crucial!"
Paul Haslinger, film score composer, musician - (Underworld, Death Race, Crank, The Girl Next Door).
Paul Haslinger, film score composer, musician - (Underworld, Death Race, Crank, The Girl Next Door).

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