Cremona Quartet comparison

Cremona Quartet includes Stradivari Violin, Stradivari Cello, Guarneri Violin, and Amati Viola and is available in two main versions: Solo and Ensemble. Not sure which one suits you best? Compare the main features in a table below. Or get them both together at a special bundle price.
Cremona Quartet Solo Cremona Quartet Ensemble
Number of articulations 20 15
Number of NKI 8 1
Microphone positions 3 1

Auto Divisi

Finger Position control

Legato types 4 2
Polyphonic Legato

Vibrato type Modeled Performed
Virtuoso Articulation

Articulation slots 32 4 x 32
Dynamic control Modwheel or velocity Modwheel or velocity
Polyphonic Aftertouch

Re-bow options Keyswitch, Auto Keyswitch, Auto, 1 bar, 2 bars
Download size 99.1 GB 17.89 GB
Full version price $399 $299
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