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Event Commands



A user-defined group of events.


One of 28 marks, $MARK_1 ... $MARK_28, which was assigned to the event. You can also select more than one event group by using the bitwise .or. operator, or by simply summing the event marks.



on note
    if ($EVENT_NOTE mod 12 = 0) { if played note is a C }
        set_event_mark($EVENT_ID, $MARK_1)
        change_tune(by_marks($MARK_1), %CC[1] * 1000, 0)
    end if
end on

on controller
    if ($CC_NUM = 1)
        change_tune(by_marks($MARK_1), %CC[1] * 1000, 0)
    end if
end on

Moving the modwheel changes the tuning of all C notes (C-2, C-1…C8).

See Also


Events and MIDI: $EVENT_ID, $ALL_EVENTS, $MARK_1 … $MARK_28


change_note(<event-id>, <note-number>)

Changes the note number of a specific event ID.


  • change_note() is only allowed in the on note callback and only works before the first wait() statement. If the voice is already running, only the value of the $EVENT_NOTE variable changes.

  • Once the note number of a particular note event is changed, it becomes the new $EVENT_NOTE.

  • It is not possible to address events via event groups like $ALL_EVENTS.


on init
    declare %black_keys[5] := (1, 3, 6, 8, 10)
end on

on note
    if (search(%black_keys, $EVENT_NOTE mod 12) # -1)
        change_note($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_NOTE - 1)
    end if
end on

Constrain all notes to white keys, i.e. C major.

See Also


Events and MIDI: $EVENT_NOTE


change_pan(<event-id>, <panorama>, <relative-bit>)

Changes the pan position of a specific note event.


Unique identification number of the note event to be changed.


The pan position of the note event, from -1000 (left) to 1000 (right).


If set to 0, the amount is absolute, i.e. the amount overwrites any previous set values of that event. Note that this mode also overwrites any zone volume adjustments!

If set to 1, the amount is relative to the actual value of the event.

If set to 2, it behaves like mode 0 (absolute adjustment), except any zone volume adjustments are preserved.

The different implications between absolute and relative adjustments are more apparent with more than one change_pan() statement applied to the same event.


  • change_pan() works on the note event level and does not change any panorama settings in the instrument itself. It is also not related to any modulations regarding panorama.


on init
    declare $pan_position
end on

on note
    $pan_position := ($EVENT_NOTE * 2000 / 127) - 1000
    change_pan($EVENT_ID, $pan_position, 0)
end on

Panning the entire key range from left to right, i.e. C-2 all the way to the left, G8 all the way to the right.

on note
    if ($EVENT_NOTE < 60)
        change_pan($EVENT_ID, 1000, 0)
        change_pan($EVENT_ID, -1000, 0) { absolute, pan is at -1000 }
        change_pan($EVENT_ID, 1000, 1)
        change_pan($EVENT_ID, -1000, 1) { relative, pan is at 0 }
    end if
end on

Notes below C3 utilize a relative bit of 0. C3 and above utilize a relative bit of 1.

See Also




change_tune(<event-id>, <tune-amount>, <relative-bit>)

Changes the tuning of a specific note event in millicents.


Unique identification number of the note event to be changed.


The tune amount in millicents. 100000 equals 100 cents (one semitone).


If set to 0, the amount is absolute, i.e. the amount overwrites any previous set values of that event.

If set to 1, the amount is relative to the actual value of the event.

The different implications between absolute and relative adjustments are more apparent with more than one change_tune() statement applied to the same event.


  • change_tune() works on the note event level and does not change any tune settings in the instrument itself. It is also not related to any modulations regarding tuning.


on init
    declare $tune_amount
end on

on note
    $tune_amount := random(-50000, 50000)
    change_tune($EVENT_ID, $tune_amount, 1)
end on

Randomly detune every played note by ±50 cents

See Also




change_velo(<event-id>, <velocity>)

Changes the velocity of a specific note event ID.


  • change_velo() is only allowed in the on note callback and only works before the first wait() statement. If the voice is already running, only the value of the variable changes.

  • Once the velocity of a particular note event is changed, it becomes the new $EVENT_VELOCITY.

  • It is not possible to address events via event groups like $ALL_EVENTS.


on note
    change_velo($EVENT_ID, 100)
end on

All velocities are set to 100. Note that $EVENT_VELOCITY will also change to 100.

See Also




change_vol(<event-id>, <volume>, <relative-bit>)

Changes the volume of a specific note event in millidecibels.


Unique identification number of the note event to be changed.


The volume change in millidecibels (1000 millidecibels = 1 decibel).


If set to 0, the amount is absolute, i.e. the amount overwrites any previous set values of that event. Note that this mode also overwrites any zone volume adjustments!

If set to 1, the amount is relative to the actual value of the event.

If set to 2, it behaves like mode 0 (absolute adjustment), except any zone volume adjustments are preserved.

The different implications between absolute and relative adjustments are more apparent with more than one change_vol() statement applied to the same event.


  • change_vol() works on the note event level and does not change any tune settings in the instrument itself. It is also not related to any MIDI modulations regarding volume (e.g. MIDI CC #7).


on init
    declare $vol_amount
end on

on note
    $vol_amount := (($EVENT_VELOCITY - 1) * 12000 / 126) - 6000
    change_vol ($EVENT_ID, $vol_amount, 1)
end on

A simple dynamic expander: lightly played notes will be softer, harder played notes will be louder.

See Also






delete_event_mark(<event-id>, <mark>)

Delete an event mark, i.e. ungroup the specified event from an event group.


Unique identification number of the note event to be ungrouped.


One of 28 marks, $MARK_1 ... $MARK_28, which was assigned to the event.

See Also 



Events and MIDI: $EVENT_ID, $ALL_EVENTS, $MARK_1 … $MARK_28



Retrieves the status of a particular note event (or MIDI event in the multi script). These are the possible states:

  • $EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE (note is active - instrument script only)

  • $EVENT_STATUS_MIDI_QUEUE (MIDI event is active - multi script only)

  • $EVENT_STATUS_INACTIVE (note or MIDI event is inactive)


  • event_status() can be used to find out if a note event is still "alive" or not.


on init
    declare %key_id[128]
end on

on note
    if (event_status(%key_id[$EVENT_NOTE]) = $EVENT_STATUS_NOTE_QUEUE)
        fade_out(%key_id[$EVENT_NOTE], 10000, 1)
    end if

    %key_id[$EVENT_NOTE] := $EVENT_ID
end on

Limit the number of active note events to one per MIDI key.

See Also 




fade_in(<event-id>, <fade-time>)

Performs a fade in for a specific note event.


Unique identification number of the note event to be faded in.


The fade in time in microseconds.


on init
    declare $note_1_id
    declare $note_2_id
end on

on note
    $note_1_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE + 12, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)
    $note_2_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE + 19, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)		

    fade_in ($note_1_id, 1000000)
    fade_in ($note_2_id, 5000000)
end on

Fading in the first two harmonics.

See Also 




fade_out(<event-id>, <fade-time>, <stop-voice>)

Performs a fade-out for a specific note event.


Unique identification number of the note event to be faded out.


The fade out time in microseconds.


If set to 1, the voice is stopped after the fade out.

If set to 0, the voice will still be running after the fade out.


on controller
    if ($CC_NUM = 1)
        if (%CC[1] mod 2 # 0)
            fade_out($ALL_EVENTS, 5000, 0)
            fade_in($ALL_EVENTS, 5000)
        end if
    end if
end on

Use the modwheel on held notes to create a stutter effect.

on controller
    if ($CC_NUM = 1)
        fade_out($ALL_EVENTS, 5000, 1)
    end if
end on

A custom All Sound Off implementation triggered by the modwheel.

See Also 





Fills the specified array with all active event IDs.


Array to be filled with active event IDs.


  • The command overwrites all existing values as long as there are active events, and writes 0 if no events are active anymore. If there are more active events than array indices, the array will be filled until it is full, ignoring the remaining event IDs.

  • If there are less active events than array indices, the array will be filled from the beginning with all event IDs, followed by one array index with its value set to 0.


on init
    declare const $ARRAY_SIZE := 500

    declare $a
    declare $note_count
    declare %test_array[$ARRAY_SIZE]
end on

on note

    $note_count := 0
    $a := 0
    while($a < $ARRAY_SIZE and %test_array[$a] # 0)
    end while

    message("Active Events: " & $note_count)
end on

Monitoring the number of active events.

See Also



get_event_mark(<event-id>, <mark>)

Checks if the specified event ID belongs to a specific event group (returns 1 if the bit mark is set, 0 otherwise).


Unique identification number of the note event to be checked.


The bit mark, $MARK_1 ... $MARK_28 . You can also select more than one event group by using the bitwise .or. operator, or by simply summing the event marks.


on note
    if ($EVENT_NOTE mod 12 = 0)
        set_event_mark($EVENT_ID, $MARK_1)
    end if
end on

on release
    if (get_event_mark($EVENT_ID, $MARK_1) = 1)
        message("You've played a C!")
    end if
end on

A rather long-winded way to check if you've released a C key.

See Also



get_event_par(<event-id>, <parameter>)

Returns the value of a specific event parameter of the specified event.


Unique identification number of the note event to be changed.


The event parameter, either one of four freely assignable event parameters:

  • $EVENT_PAR_0

  • $EVENT_PAR_1

  • $EVENT_PAR_2

  • $EVENT_PAR_3

or the "built-in" parameters of a note event:










  • $EVENT_PAR_ZONE_ID (use with care, see below)


  • A note event always carries certain information like the note number, the played velocity, but also volume, pan and tune. With get_event_par(), you can get either these parameters or use the freely assignable parameters like $EVENT_PAR_0. This is especially useful when chaining scripts, i.e. set an event parameter for an event in script slot 1, then retrieve this information in script slot 2 by using get_event_par().


on note 
    message(get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_NOTE))
end on

The same functionality as message($EVENT_NOTE).

on note
    message(get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_SOURCE))
end on

Check if the event comes from outside (returns -1 in this case) or if it was created in one of the five script slots (returns 0-4).

on note
    message(get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_ZONE_ID))
end on

An event itself does not carry a zone ID (only a voice can carry zone IDs), therefore you need to insert wait(1) in order to properly retrieve the zone ID.

See Also 






get_event_par_arr(<event-id>, <parameter>, <index>)

Retrieves the value of a specified event parameter of a specific event.


Unique identification number of the note event.


Can be one of the following:






When used with:

  • $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP: the group index (0 ... 4095, however this depends on the amount of groups present in a particular Kontakt instrument)

  • $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM: the event parameter index (0 ... 15)

  • $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_ID/$EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_EX_ID: the "from script" modulator index, as set in the modulation assignment in Kontakt (0 ... 1000)


  • get_event_par_arr() is the array variant of get_event_par(). You can use it to retrieve the group allow state of a specific event, or if you need to access more than the four standard event parameters. You can also use it to retrieve the value of event-specific modulations, facilitated by "from script" modulators in Kontakt.


on init
    declare $count
    declare ui_label $label (2, 4)
    set_text($label, "")
end on

on note
    set_text($label, "")

    $count := 0
    while ($count < $NUM_GROUPS)
        if (get_event_par_arr($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP, $count) = 1)
            add_text_line($label,"Group ID " & $count & " allowed")
            add_text_line($label,"Group ID " & $count & " disallowed")
        end if

    end while
end on

A simple group monitor.

See Also






Ignores a note event in on note or on release callbacks.


  • If you ignore an event, any volume, tune or pan information is lost. You can however retrieve this infomation with get_event_par(), refer to the two examples below.

  • ignore_event() is a very "strong" command. Always check if you can get the same results with the various change_...() commands without having to ignore the event.


on note
    play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)
end on

Delaying all notes by half a second. Not bad, but if you, for example insert a microtuner before this script, the tuning information will be lost.

on init
    declare $new_id
end on

on note
    $new_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)

    change_vol($new_id, get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_VOLUME), 1)
    change_tune($new_id, get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_TUNE), 1)
    change_pan($new_id, get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_PAN), 1)
end on

Better: the tuning (plus volume and pan, to be precise) information is retrieved and applied to the played note.

See Also 




redirect_output(<event-id>, <output-type>, <index>)

Routes the audio signal of the specified event to a specific output or bus.


Unique identification number of the note event to be routed.


Can be one of the following:

  • $OUTPUT_TYPE_DEFAULT: The audio signal of the event is routed to the default instrument output.

  • $OUTPUT_TYPE_MASTER_OUT: The audio signal of the event is routed directly to the output channel specified with <index> (0 ... 63, depending on number of output channels defined in Kontakt). The audio signal will not be affected by any instrument effect.

  • $OUTPUT_TYPE_AUX_OUT: The audio signal of the event is routed directly to the Aux channel specified with <index>. (0 ... 3) The audio signal will not be affected by any instrument effect.

  • $OUTPUT_TYPE_BUS_OUT: The audio signal of the event is routed to the instrument bus specified with <index> (0 ... 15).


Specifies the output channel, aux channel or instrument bus, depending on <output-type>.

Has no effect when <output-type> is set to $OUTPUT_TYPE_DEFAULT.


  • When using redirect_output(), the output selection of a group is completely ignored.


on init
    declare $new_id_0
    declare $new_id_1
    decalre $new_id_2
end on

on note

    $new_id_0 := play_note($EVENT_NOTE, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)
    $new_id_1 := play_note($EVENT_NOTE + 4, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)
    $new_id_2 := play_note($EVENT_NOTE + 7, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)

    redirect_output($new_id_0, $OUTPUT_TYPE_BUS_OUT, 0)
    redirect_output($new_id_1, $OUTPUT_TYPE_BUS_OUT, 1)
    redirect_output($new_id_2, $OUTPUT_TYPE_BUS_OUT, 2)
end on

Creating a major triad and routing each note to a separate instrument bus.


set_event_mark(<event-id>, <mark>)

Assigns the specified event ID to a specific event group.


Unique identification number of the note event.


One of 28 marks, from $MARK_1 to $MARK_28 which will be assigned to the event. You can also assign more than one mark to a single event, either by typing the command again, or by using the bitwise .or. operator, or by simply summing the event marks.


  • When working with commands that deal with event IDs, you can group events by using by_marks() instead of using individual IDs, as Kontakt needs to know that you want to address marks, and not IDs.


on init
    declare $new_id
end on

on note
    set_event_mark($EVENT_ID, $MARK_1)

    $new_id := play_note($EVENT_NOTE + 12, 120, 0, -1)
    set_event_mark($new_id, $MARK_1 + $MARK_2)

    change_pan(by_marks($MARK_1), -1000, 1) { both notes panned to left }
    change_pan(by_marks($MARK_2), 2000, 1) { new note panned to right }
end on

The played note belongs to event mark 1, the harmonized note belongs to both event marks 1 and 2.

See Also 



Events and MIDI: $EVENT_ID, $ALL_EVENTS, $MARK_1 … $MARK_28


set_event_par(<event-id>, <parameter>, <value>)

Assigns a specific event parameter value to a specific event.


Unique identification number of the note event.


The event parameter, either one of four freely assignable event parameters:

  • $EVENT_PAR_0

  • $EVENT_PAR_1

  • $EVENT_PAR_2

  • $EVENT_PAR_3

or the "built-in" parameters of a note event:









The value of the event parameter.


  • A note event always carries certain information like the note number, the played velocity, but also volume, pan and tune. With set_event_par(), you can set either these parameters or use the freely assignable parameters like $EVENT_PAR_0. This is especially useful when chaining scripts, i.e. set an event parameter for an event in script slot 1, then retrieve this information in script slot 2 by using get_event_par().

  • If you need access to more than four custom parameters, please use set_event_par_arr() with $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM.


on note 
    set_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_NOTE, 60)
end on

Setting all notes to middle C3, same as change_note($EVENT_ID, 60).

on init
    declare ui_switch $switch

    declare ui_label $midiChan1 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan2 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan3 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan4 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan5 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan6 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan7 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan8 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan9 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan10 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan11 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan12 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan13 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan14 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan15 (1, 1)
    declare ui_label $midiChan16 (1, 1)

    declare %midiChans[16]
    %midiChans[0] := get_ui_id($midiChan1)
    %midiChans[1] := get_ui_id($midiChan2)
    %midiChans[2] := get_ui_id($midiChan3)
    %midiChans[3] := get_ui_id($midiChan4)
    %midiChans[4] := get_ui_id($midiChan5)
    %midiChans[5] := get_ui_id($midiChan6)
    %midiChans[6] := get_ui_id($midiChan7)
    %midiChans[7] := get_ui_id($midiChan8)
    %midiChans[8] := get_ui_id($midiChan9)
    %midiChans[9] := get_ui_id($midiChan10)
    %midiChans[10] := get_ui_id($midiChan11)
    %midiChans[11] := get_ui_id($midiChan12)
    %midiChans[12] := get_ui_id($midiChan13)
    %midiChans[13] := get_ui_id($midiChan14)
    %midiChans[14] := get_ui_id($midiChan15)
    %midiChans[15] := get_ui_id($midiChan16)
end on

on release
    if ($switch = 1)
        set_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_REL_VELOCITY, 127)
    end if

    set_control_par_str(%midiChans[$MIDI_CHANNEL], $CONTROL_PAR_TEXT, get_event_par($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_REL_VELOCITY))
end on

Release velocity in MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) context.

See Also






set_event_par_arr(<event-id>, <parameter>, <value>, <index>)

Assigns an event parameter array to a specific event.


Unique identification number of the note event.


Can be one of the following:






When used with:

  • $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP: the allow state for the group (1 for allowed, 0 for disallowed)

  • $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM: the value of the specified event parameter

  • $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_ID: the modulation value to be sent to "from script" modulator (clamped internally between -1000000 and 1000000)

  • $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_EX_ID: the modulation value to be sent to "from script" modulator (unbounded value range)


When used with:

  • $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP: the group index (0 ... 4095, however this depends on the amount of groups present in a particular Kontakt instrument)

  • $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM: the event parameter index (0 ... 15)

  • $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_ID/$EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_EX_ID: the "from script" modulator index, as set in the modulation assignment in Kontakt (0 ... 1000)


  • set_event_par_arr() is the array variant of set_event_par(). You can use it to set the group allow state of a specific event, or if you need to access more than the four standard event parameters. You can also use it to set up event-specific modulations, facilitated by "from script" modulators in Kontakt.


on note
    if (get_event_par_arr($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP, 0) = 0)
        set_event_par_arr($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_ALLOW_GROUP, 1, 0)
    end if
end on

Making sure the first group is always played.

on init
    declare const $CUSTOM_EVENT_PAR_4 := 4
end on

on note
end on

on release
    message(get_event_par_arr($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM, $CUSTOM_EVENT_PAR_4))
end on

Simple implementation of $EVENT_PAR_CUSTOM.

on note
    if ($EVENT_NOTE = 60)
        set_event_par_arr($EVENT_ID, $EVENT_PAR_MOD_VALUE_ID, 500000, 1)
    end if
end on

Only middle C (MIDI note 60) will have any modulation applied, facilitated by "from script" modulator that has its ID set to "1".

See Also








Assigns the specified color to events generated in the current script slot, visible in Kontakt's Mapping Editor.

<hex value>

The hexadecimal color value in the following format:

0ff0000h {red}

The 0 at the start lets Kontakt know the value is a number.

The h at the end indicates that it is a hexadecimal value. You can also use uppercase H.


  • This command is only available in on init callback.

  • The specified color will always be drawn 50% opaque, so that cases of overlapping events from multiple script slots could be discerned.

  • This command will only work if script generated events are allowed to be displayed in Kontakt's Mapping Editor (option available in Mapping Editor's Edit menu).


on init
end on

on note
    play_note(($EVENT_NOTE + 12) mod 127, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, -1)
end on

Add a note played an octave up. This event will be shown as a green blip in Kontakt's Mapping Editor.