General Information
All user-defined variables must be declared in the
on init
callback.Variable names may contain only alphanumerical characters (
) and underscore (_
).Please do NOT create variables with the following prefixes, as these are used for internal variables and constants:
$ (integer variable)
Declares a user-defined variable to store a single, 32-bit signed integer value. |
Valid numbers that can be stored in an integer variable are in range -2147483648 ... 2147483647.
on init declare $test $test := -1 end on
Creating a variable.
on init declare $test := -1 end on
Creating a variable similar to above, but with in-line value initialization.
See Also
% (integer array)
Declares a user-defined array to store multiple 32-bit signed integer values at specific indices. |
The maximum size of arrays is 1000000 indices.
The number of elements must be defined with a constant value, variables cannot be used for this purpose.
It is possible to initialize an array with one value - refer to the second example below.
If initializing an array with several values, but number of initializers is less than array size, the last initializer will be used to initialize the rest of the array.
Valid numbers that can be stored in an integer array are in range -2147483648 ... 2147483647.
on init declare %presets[10 * 8] := ( ... { 1 } 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... { 2 } 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... { 3 } 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, ... { 4 } 0, 0, 5, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, ... { 5 } 0, 0, 4, 4, 3, 2, 0, 0, ... { 6 } 0, 0, 8, 7, 4, 0, 0, 0, ... { 7 } 0, 0, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 2, ... { 8 } 0, 0, 5, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0, ... { 9 } 0, 0, 4, 6, 7, 5, 3, 0, ... { 10 } 0, 0, 5, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2 ) end on
Creating an array for storing preset data.
on init declare %presets[10 * 8] := (4) end on
Quick way of initializing the same array with a specific value.
See Also
~ (real variable)
Declares a user-defined variable to store a single, 64-bit (double precision) real value. |
Real numbers must always be defined with a decimal point, even if the number is a whole number. For example 2.0 should be used instead of only 2.
Decimal digit may be omitted. For example 2. is valid and means the same thing as 2.0
Scientific notation is supported. For example, 1.25e5 or 2.76e-3. e can be lowercase or uppercase.
on init declare ~test ~test := 0.5 end on
Creating a variable.
on init declare ~test := 0.5 end on
Creating a variable similar to the above, but with in-line value initialization.
See Also
? (real array)
Declares a user-defined array to store multiple 64-bit (double precision) real values at specific indices |
The maximum size of arrays is 1000000 indices.
The number of elements must be defined with a constant integer value, regular variables cannot be used for this purpose.
It is possible to initialize an array with one value - refer to the second example below.
If initializing an array with several values, but number of initializers is less than array size, the last initializer will be used to initialize the rest of the array.
commands do not work with real arrays.
on init declare ?presets[5 * 4] := ( ... { 1 } 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, ... { 2 } 0.5, 0.7, 0.1, 0.5, ... { 3 } 1.0, 0.6, 0.6, 0.2, ... { 4 } 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.3, ... { 5 } 0.0, 1.0, 0.4, 0.1 ) end on
Creating an array for storing preset data.
on init declare ?presets[10 * 8] := (1.0) end on
Quick way of initializing the same array with a specific value.
See Also
@ (string variable)
Declares a user-defined string variable to store text. |
You cannot declare and in-line initialize a string variable as you can with an integer variable.
The maximum length of text that can be stored in a string variable is 320 characters.
on init declare @text @text := "Last received note number played or released: " end on on note message(@text & $EVENT_NOTE) end on on release message(@text & $EVENT_NOTE) end on
Use string variables to display long text.
See Also
! (string array)
Declares a user-defined string array to store text strings at specified indices. |
The maximum size of arrays is 1000000 indices.
Just like with string variables, the contents of a string array cannot be in-line initialized on the same line as the declaration.
The maximum length of a string at any given indice is 320 characters.
Please be aware that large string arrays with long strings can require a lot of memory if they are made persistent (roughly, one character = 1 byte, 320 characters = 320 bytes, 1000000 strings with 320 characters = 305 megabytes)
on init declare $count declare !note[12] !note[0] := "C" !note[1] := "C#" !note[2] := "D" !note[3] := "D#" !note[4] := "E" !note[5] := "F" !note[6] := "F#" !note[7] := "G" !note[8] := "G#" !note[9] := "A" !note[10] := "Bb" !note[11] := "B" declare !name [128] while ($count < 128) !name[$count] := !note[$count mod 12] & (($count / 12) - 2) inc($count) end while end on on note message("Note played: " & !name[$EVENT_NOTE]) end on
Creating a string array with all MIDI note names.
See Also
const $ (constant integer)
Declares a user-defined constant to store a single integer value. |
As the name implies, the value of constant variables can only be read, not changed.
It is quite common (and recommended) to write the names of constants in uppercase.
Valid numbers that can be stored in an integer constant are in range -2147483648 ... 2147483647.
on init declare const $NUM_PRESETS := 10 declare const $NUM_PARAMETERS := 5 declare %preset_data[$NUM_PRESETS * $NUM_PARAMETERS] end on
Creating constants – useful when creating preset arrays.
See Also
const ~ (real constant)
Declares a user-defined constant to store a single, 64-bit (double precision) real value. |
As the name implies, the value of constant variables can only be read, not changed.
It is quite common (and recommended) to write the names of constants in uppercase.
on init declare const ~BIG_NUMBER := 100000.0 declare const ~SMALL_NUMBER := 0.00001 end on
Just a couple of real constants, man.
See Also
polyphonic $ (polyphonic integer)
Declares a user-defined polyphonic variable to store a single integer value per note event. |
A polyphonic variable acts as a unique variable for each executed note event, avoiding conflicts in callbacks that are executed in parallel, for example when using
.A polyphonic variable retains its value in the
on release
callback of the corresponding note.Polyphonic variables need much more memory than regular variables - since the note event queue in Kontakt supports a maximum of 8192 events, 32 bits * 8192 = 32 kilobytes.
Polyphonic variables can only be used within note and release callbacks.
on init declare polyphonic $a { declare $a } end on on note ignore_event($EVENT_ID) $a := 0 while ($a < 13 and $NOTE_HELD = 1) play_note($EVENT_NOTE + $a, $EVENT_VELOCITY, 0, $DURATION_QUARTER / 2) inc($a) wait($DURATION_QUARTER) end while end on
To hear the effect of the polyphonic variable, play and hold an octave: both notes will ascend chromatically. Then make $a
a normal variable and play the octave again: $a
will be shared by both executed callbacks, thus both notes will ascend in larger intervals.
on init declare $counter declare polyphonic $polyphonic_counter end on on note message($polyphonic_counter & " " & $counter) inc($counter) inc($polyphonic_counter) end on
Since a polyphonic variable is always unique per callback, $polyphonic_counter
will always be 0 in the displayed message.
Retains the value of a variable within the instrument only. |
is similar tomake_persistent()
, however the value of a variable is only saved with the instrument, not with snapshots. It can be used to prevent UI elements from being changed when loading snapshots.
on init set_snapshot_type(1) { init callback not executed upon snapshot loading } declare ui_knob $knob_1 (0, 2, 1) set_text($knob_1, "Pers") make_persistent($knob_1) declare ui_knob $knob_2 (0, 2, 1) set_text($knob_2, "Inst Pers") make_instr_persistent($knob_2) declare ui_knob $knob_3 (0, 2, 1) set_text($knob_3, "Not Pers") end on
The second knob will not be changed when loading snapshots.
See Also
Retainsy the value of a variable with the instrument and snapshot. |
The state of the variable is saved not only with the instrument,multi or host chunk, but also when a script is saved as a Kontakt preset (.nkp file).
The state of the variable is read at the end of the init callback. To load a stored value manually within the init callback, insert
before using the stored value.You can also use the
on persistence_changed
callback for retrieving the values of persistent variables.When updating script code by replacing old code with new one, the values of persistent variables that have identical names will be retained.
Sometimes, when working on more complex scripts, you might want to flush the values of persistent variables by resetting the script. You can do this by loading the - INIT Script - preset from the Script Editor's Preset menu, then applying your code again.
on init declare ui_knob $Preset (1, 10, 1) make_persistent($Preset) end on
User interface elements, such as knobs, should usually retain their value when reloading the instrument.
See Also
Instantly reloads the value of a variable that was saved via the |
This command can only be used within the
on init
callback.You can also use the
on persistence_changed
callback for retrieving the values of persistent variables.
on init declare ui_label $label (1, 1) declare ui_button $button set_text($button, "$a := 10000") declare $a make_persistent($a) { read_persistent_var($a) } set_text($label, $a) end on on ui_control ($button) $a := 10000 set_text($label, $a) end on
After applying this script, click on the button and then save and close the NKI. After reloading it, the label will display 0 because the value of $a
is initialized at the very end of the init callback. Now remove the comment around read_persistent_var
and apply the script again to see the difference.
See Also
Sends an event to the Creator Tools KSP Log for every change of the watched variable’s value. |
This command can only be used within the
on init
callback.This command has no effect on Kontakt’s status bar – the events only appear in Creator Tools.
This command does not work with built-in variables (
, etc.)
on init declare $intVar watch_var($intVar) make_persistent($intVar) end on on note $intVar := $EVENT_VELOCITY end on
Try playing some notes while having Creator Tools running. Make sure you have the KSP Variables or KSP Log panel focused.
Sends an event to the Creator Tools KSP Log for every change of the watched array index’s value. |
This command can only be used within the
on init
callback.This command has no effect on Kontakt’s status bar – the events only appear in Creator Tools.
This command does not work with built-in array variables (
, etc.).
on init declare %mykeys[128] watch_array_idx(%mykeys, 60) watch_array_idx(%mykeys, 61) watch_array_idx(%mykeys, 62) watch_array_idx(%mykeys, 63) watch_array_idx(%mykeys, 64) declare ui_button $Save declare ui_button $Load end on on note %mykeys[$EVENT_NOTE] := $EVENT_VELOCITY end on on ui_control($Save) save_array(%mykeys, 0) end on on ui_control($Load) load_array(%mykeys, 0) end on
Try playing some notes or clicking on the save and load buttons while having Creator Tools running. Make sure you have the KSP Variables or KSP Log panel focused.